Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Now Delivering Fresh Meals along with Frozen Meals

Starting this month, we will be delivering one fresh meal a week along with your freshly frozen meals for your freezer. Order by Tuesday night for your Thursday dinner at

This week's meal is a Hawaiian-Cashew Stirfry served over Pineapple-Infused Quinoa.

What is Quinoa? (pronounced: KEEN-wah) Quinoa is a super-food that contains more protein than any other grain and is a good source of dietary fiber. It is high in magnesium, potassium and iron and a good source of phosphorous, calcium, vitamin E and several B vitamins. Quinoa is also gluten-free and easy to digest.

Hawaiian-Cashew Stirfry
Fresh, juicy pineapple with sweet red peppers and plump peas over top of pineapple-infused quinoa make this dish both delicious and very nutritious. It's like being at a luau right in your own home, minus the music and the grass skirts... unless you want to borrow ours.
$8 per 500ml serving
Add on chicken or shrimp for $3